

Läksin magama. Ja nägin und...see oli liiga hirmus ja ma ärkasin ehmatusega üles ja nüüd ei saa enam magada...

Ja nii ma kolangi mööda netti ja otsin meelelahutust...
Und ei ole...

Leidsin selle:
What Mythical Creature are you?
Your Result: Vampire

Are you comfortable in the dark? Love to wander? Find yourself watching people from a distance? Then your mythological creature is a vampire. Secluding themselves in darkness, vampires are often known to posess certain powers of attraction and manipulation over others, especially humans. Vampires often travel among humans, especially at night, feeding off their blood in order to survive. Vampires are known to have the most passionate love lives, connecting with their lover not only sexually, but emotionally, and on a physically dependend level, (the need for their mate's blood.)Vampires are driven almost completely on primal instinct, and because of this, are known to be darker, or evil.

What'>http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_mythical_creature_are_you_5">What Mythical Creature are you?
Quiz'>http://www.gotoquiz.com/">Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Nagu ma seda varem poleks teadnud...
Which lyric represents you?
Your Result: Pale September - Fiona Apple

"He goes along just as a water lilly / gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats / and weighed down by passion or intensity / yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts / and he finds a home in me / for what misfortune sows he knows my touch will reap"

Razorblade Kiss - H.I.M.
Every Day Is Exactly the Same - NIN
Steady As She Goes - The Raconteurs
Bullets - Augustana
Upside Down - Jack Johnson
I Trust You To Kill Me - Rocco Deluca & The Bu
Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace
Which'>http://www.gotoquiz.com/which_lyric_represents_you">Which lyric represents you?
Take'>http://www.gotoquiz.com/">Take More Quizzes

...mitte et ma seda kunagi kuulanud oleksin....

Magama minek, 17 katse!
Ehk õnnestub...

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